SEO Shop Up: A Quick Way to Stand Out During the Holiday Season

Hey Friend,

Today’s SEO Shop Up tip is going to be ???  It’s so easy and it really surprises me that very few stores are using this approach. 

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The autumn has come and embraced everything in its beautiful and mysterious vibe which makes you think that everything is possible. And that’s true.

I love this period with the yellow-red-orange leaves and this fresh smell of rain and soil. It just makes me slow down and breathe in – something that we all need to do more often. 

Autumn is also a festive season with many fun holidays coming ?.  

And today I’m going to share with you a great and fast thing that any online store can do quickly to attract more customers during the holiday season by promoting their offers in a creative way. It’s not about SEO but it’s about attracting sales. 

This tip will especially work for those websites that get a substantial amount of traffic from social media. 

We will use the images in Facebook Open Graph and other social media metadata for your homepage. 

Ready? Ok, here are the steps:

  1. Create banners highlighting your special offers for each holiday (you will have enough time to do it before Thanksgiving)
  1. Use the image with your offers for the upcoming holiday in your homepage social media markup
  1. Update the image in Open Graph/ social metadata to the relevant before the upcoming holiday. It’s better to include it in your promo process so that you won’t forget to do it. 

This is how such a banner can look like:

(I made this screenshot for you a while ago as you can see ?)

This can make a huge difference for your store sales.

For example, here’s how the preview of my favorite shop Indigo could look like:

Indigo Store Banner Example

And here’s how it looks now ?:

Not optimized promo banner image

I mean.. They could definitely do better.

A positive side effect 

In addition to social media websites, your promo images will also be shown whenever someone shares your store homepage in messengers such as Slack, Telegram, etc. This means one more touchpoint with your potential customers.

Pro tip:

Social media websites usually cache the metadata including the image for your page. So when you update it, you should also clear this cache so that the right info is displayed. I do it every time I update the info about my pages.

You can clear the cache using debugger tools. Each social media platform has one:

Just insert your URL in these tools, and the cache will be cleared. After that, people will see the right image/title/description whenever your homepage is shared online. 

Try it yourself and let me know how this worked for you. 

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Let’s summarize:
If you can quickly leverage any channel that can get more eyeballs on your products, you should do this. Using relevant images with your offers in social media markup is one of such things ?.